Digital Signage Hosting
Secure server hosting that you can access anywhere
When hosting your digital signage on your own servers is not an option, Noventri has you covered. Noventri features an enterprise-level Network Operations Center (NOC) that can handle some of the heaviest demands in bandwidth and reliability. Our server hosting services also give users the ability to have access to Noventri software from anywhere, making this solution a must for large-scale networks and corporate networks.
Our servers feature:
- Remote access to Noventri Suite for full network control
- Fully Redundant Network with NO Single Point of Failure
- Multiple Layers of Network Security
- Multiple Bandwidth Providers (AboveNet, ATT, Comcast, Global Crossing, Level(3), NTT)
- State of the Art Data Center with Backup Power Generators and HVAC Units.
Our servers are secure:
The servers are PCI compliant and Safe Harbor Certified.
We are also protected from:
- Hackers
- DDoS Attacks (UDP Flood)
Also included in our security protocols is an extensive custom firewall rule and large mod_security rulesets for protection.
In the case that we do experience heavy flooding, we have our NOC enable network level flood protection. Our NOC is a highly secure facility with restricted access.
Noventri features other security methods and precautions, however, they are confidential