Hi Everyone,
For your convenience, we have listed the video tutorials in sequential order, from basic to advanced, to assist you with how to set up and use Noventri Suite and the ECO-Series SF-200 signage player. Click on the links and follow along with the tutorials.
Getting Started
1. SF-200 Quick Start Guide
2. Noventri Suite Overview
3. Create A New Project
4. Copy A Project Page
5. Publish To Thumb Drive
6. Export Project
7. Using The Video Feature
8. Transition Duration Feature
9. Update Content Without Rescheduling
10. Vesa Sleep Mode Feature
11. RS-232 Commands
12. Permissions Feature
13. Page Expiration Feature
Advanced - Content Automation
1. Connect Noventri Server to a Network File
2. Update Content Via Text File
3. Update Content Via Image Drop Folder
4. PowerPoint Import Feature
5. HTML Capture Feature
6. RSS Feed Feature
7. Database Driven Content
8. OracleDatabase Driven Content
9. Create A Bar Graph