Player Updates

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Player Updates

Post by ThornburgF »

We have just updated our Noventri server to the latest version: Noventri Server™ ver.
The server (Windows Server 2008 R2) and the players (SF-200) have also been rebooted.
The Players are connected to the server via standard Ethernet with static IP addresses and are functioning normally; receiving project and schedule updates from the server and loading and displaying the new versions successfully.

Checking on the software and hardware versions of the players shows:

Software Version:
Firmware Version: 33554436-201510011030

Does this look OK? Should the Software Versions on the Players match the Server and clients versions?

Fred Thornburg
University of Houston at Clear Lake

Re: Player Updates

Post by Martin-Noventri »

Hi Fred,
If you are experiencing issues, please download and install version 2.12.123 from the Noventri forum in the Additional Downloads> Noventri Suite Precious Versions section. This will install over the 2.14 version and should correct any issues.

Kind regards
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