Data Visualization – What is a picture worth?

by | Jun 23, 2016 | 0 comments

There is so much data being extrapolated and stored that it can be a daunting task to compute, understand, and act upon important data points. Sometimes it can be just as difficult to know what the important data is that needs analyzed.

If you have ever had to stare down an extensive spreadsheet or other database, you know the feeling of being overwhelmed. And if you need to present that data in a clear and precise way to an audience…..well, you understand why people’s biggest fear is not fear of dying, but fear of public speaking.

One of the better ways to combat data fatigue is through the use of data visualization. That does not mean to ask yourself WWDD? (What Would Data Do?) and create a mental picture of his actions, though having an android that can boldly go where no human has gone before could come in handy. Or not.

Data Visualization….

Rather, data visualization is the practice of showing relevant data in pictorial form, usually through the use of graphics and charts. This is far more than just the typical line graphs or bar charts commonly found in Excel or other similar applications. It involves transforming data into an easily digested format which tell a story the viewer can quickly understand, often revealing trends  and patterns that can become action items. A picture can become worth a thousand points of data when presented in this fashion!

This form of communication is especially needed in a production environment. Manufacturers gather massive amounts of data and need to understand and act upon it. Transmitting that data to production managers and workers on the factory floor is key to maintaining a smooth operating  and profitable plant.

…Plus Digital Signage

This is where Digital Signage shines as a vehicle for delivering data visualization to those that need it. Metrics displays strategically placed throughout the factory, makes the information readily accessible to all. In combination with Digital Signage’s ability to update content based on database changes,  you can begin to see the power of this production tool.

Digital Sigange Worksheet

Workers can quickly view the graphical representation of the data, understand its impact on their workflow, and make needed adjustments, whether it be to production speed, quality assurance, waste reduction, or man power targeted at a specific task.

Data gathering is here to stay, the only thing that will change is how the data can best be presented for effective actions. By combining Data Visualization with Digital Signage, manufacturers are able to stay progressive and reap the rewards that comes from all that data!

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